The provision of refill bottles containing isopropyl alcohol and de-ionized water(IPA-DIW) mixture in the cleanroom is cost-intensive. Moreover, during handling the wipers are often over-saturated and thus lose their cleaning effect. Pre-saturated knit wipers remedy this through a defined degree of saturation with a customer-specific ratio of IPA and DI water.
Minicont dispenser for pre-saturated precision cleaning wipers
Pre-saturated wipers from the Hermetic Box
MINICONT for pre-saturated wipers with an easy-to-close lid:
Filled with SONITMDM or SONITHDM -wipers, pre-saturated with Isopropanol + DI water.
The concentration and the degree of saturation are determined by the user.
For the MINICONT a refill pack with pre-saturated wipers is available.
For our customers in the pharmaceutical sector the MINICONT dispenser is also available in a sterilised model.
Clear & Clean GmbH
Phone +49-451-389500
Fax +49-451-3895020
Safety data sheet as pdf:
30% IPA
70% IPA
100% IPA
Cleanroom Consumables